What is a youth?
Impetuous fire,
What is a maid?
Ice and desire,
The world wags on.
A rose will bloom,
It then will fade,
So does a youth,
So does the fairest maid.
Comes a time when one sweet smile.
Has it season for a while,
Then love’s in love with me,
Some they think only to marry,
Others will tease and tarry,
Mine is the very best parry,
Cupid he rules us all,
Caper the caper, but sing me a song,
Death will come soon to hush us along,
Sweeter then honey and bitter as gall,
Love is a task and it never will pall,
Sweeter then honey and bitter as gall,
Cupid he rules us all….
我一直在想,很多事其實是用陷進去的:陷入一股無底深淵、fall in love、樂在其中之類的;就又譬如表演,我也總期待著哪天得什麼突然降臨,一種靈感,如同神蹟那般陷了進去,重新成為一種可能,腳色或許就是自己與那幾十億分之一的唯一那人結合而出的行進式吧,自己人生,腳色目標,這些都其實都是無法掌握的啊,畢竟我仍認為這世界上的太多事全都只有一個目的──努力成為個人。為了為人,只好不斷對著世界定義,以不同身分,披上未有時空,荒野中想像著遠方大漠灰濛濛地降臨於世。